About this blog

In German there is a saying that goes like this: “Liebe geht durch den Magen”. Translated it means that love must pass through the stomach first. And that is oh so true. What is more satisfying then cooking a delicious meal for your love one (and for yourself of course). We like good food and since we live in China, we suffer from the lack of the most basic food that is simply not available here. In order to eat our most favorite comfort food, what else can we do then cook it on our own?But that is easier said then done. We encounter plenty of small obstacles on our culinary journey, tools and ingredients that are not available…

While sailing our cooking boat around those obstacles, we will document this culinary journey on our blog here. Hope you enjoy reading, cooking and we are always looking forward to discover your favorite recipes as well. By the way, the pictures are made by us, they are not copied or taken from any other website. Please do the same. If you like them, please do let us know before you copy them and / or put them somewhere else. It’s copyright but I prefer to call it courtesy.

4 Responses to “About this blog”

  1. butzemann April 15, 2011 at 14:09 #

    rosie hat mir grad den link geschickt – hätte ja niemals gedacht dass du zeit hast so zeug zu schreiben!

    • etwas leckeres April 15, 2011 at 20:06 #

      Tja, Zeit habe ich nicht, aber machen tue ich’s troztdem. Ich nehme die Zeit, die andere auf Facebook verbringen, eben dazu ;). Hey a propos Facebook, leg mir blos nicht Deine ganze Kohle in diese Pleite Aktie an, ok? Gib mir doch einfach mal ein Rezept von Dir selber durch (ich habe naemlich gehoert dass es in der Schwyz auch immer Tuna Melt z’nueni gibt).

      • butzemann April 16, 2011 at 01:28 #

        rezept: sobald ich zeit hab
        aktie: kein geld mehr übrig, seufz, muss noch anteile an meiner firma kaufen

      • etwas leckeres April 19, 2011 at 13:28 #

        Kann da jeder Anteile kaufen oder nur die Eigner?

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